Faith Like A Child
Imagine the scene. You’re one of Jesus’ disciples. Jesus has been telling parables and fielding trick questions from the Pharisees all day. It’s the end of the day, you’re getting ready to pack it up, go get Jesus something to eat, but now there’s a line of people wanting Jesus to pray for their children.
The disciples dutifully shooed the crowds away. But Jesus stops them.
“Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them, for such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
What does it mean to have faith like a child?
Keep in mind – these children Jesus is blessing were not very old. We consider people “children” vernacularly until they are around 12, and legally until they are 18. But in the ancient world children were given adult tasks and responsibilities very early in life. These weren’t ten-year-olds clustered around Jesus, they were probably 5 or 6 at the oldest.
Adults are suspicious of anything of called a free gift. Marketing schemes are not new. And I’m sure the ancient world had its own version of, “act now and we’ll throw in the second magic kitchen appliance, just pay separate shipping and handling”
Children are naturally trusting. A young child does not work for anything they have. It’s all given. When you give a 4-year-old a gift, are they ever suspicious of its origin or the subtext behind it? Does the child wonder how accepting the gift will affect his social standing? Does the child wonder what he will have to do to earn this gift? No. A child enthusiastically takes the gift. They may just go play with the box, but they’ll take the gift.
The kingdom of God is for those who can set aside their pride and accept that the gift of eternal life that Jesus is offering is just that. A gift. No strings attached.
Embrace your inner child and accept the offer of eternal life with Jesus today.