God’s Perfect Curriculum
When God instructed Israel to teach their children to Love God and Keep His Commandments, he gave them the perfect curriculum with which they could accomplish the task.
No Heavenly Medal of Honor
God does not reward bravery for the sake of bravery. There is no Heavenly Medal of Honor. Only “Well done” for those who faithfully trusted in Him.
God’s Perfect Gifts
I like to think that God in his perfect Sovereignty gleefully plans and orchestrates the gifts he gives to each of his children.
The Great Pumpkin
I’m so glad that Jesus didn’t wait until we were the most sincere and without hypocrisy before he came and dwelt with us.
King David and The Sanctity of Life
David placed an extremely high value on the sanctity of human life.
Faith & Critical Thinking
If we answer childrens’ questions about the Bible with “just take it on faith” or “The Bible says it, that settles it” You invalidate the critical thinking skills they are taught to bring to every other situation in life.
So That When Your Children Ask You…
God didn't have the Israelites set up an altar so they could worship him for his mighty act. Instead he told them to set up a monument, so that children would have something to ask about.